Political Colling

Political Colling

by Matt Cotter

Senior James Colling has spent the past five months volunteering for the Utah Republican Party, working as an advisor for local and state campaigns.

“The candidates I work with are all outstanding and are genuine public servants,” James said. “They're running to represent the people and to make sure that the citizens of Utah have a voice on the Hill.”

I have always had great pride and a sense of gratitude for our country, and for the liberties that we are afforded by living in this great nation

“I don't agree on all issues with my candidates, but I appreciate their efforts at a pragmatic approach to being moderate candidates in an increasingly polarized political climate.”

Former Judge Memorial student Chase Winder is someone who James is working with. He is a candidate running for Senate District 2 which Judge lies in along with many students and faculty members.

“Chase Winder is an extremely progressive and well rounded candidate. He works for everyone to have a seat at the table in the Utah legislature. He is also a University of Utah and Westminster (MBA) alum.”

James’s main goal is to help candidates to find the best and most efficient ways to market themselves to a large and diverse population of constituents. He has working in areas such as downtown Salt Lake City, Sugarhouse, South Salt Lake, and Emigration.

“I have always had great pride and a sense of gratitude for our country, and for the liberties that we are afforded by living in this great nation.”

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