Virus diaries - excerpts from the staff

Virus diaries - excerpts from the staff

About the cover art, Cam says, “I titled this ‘Mad World.’ Using the inspiration of the poster art for the apocalyptic 1980 film 'Mad Max' this work highlights the fanaticism of doomsday preppers and other people who have responded similarly to the world wide epidemic. With disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer replacing a sawed off shotgun this satirical piece uses humor to express feelings of anxiety of impending doom in these confusing times." 

Here are some snippets from the staff’s thoughts on the first days of the “new normal.”


Life was simple, nothing big to worry about other than school and I was going through my everyday routine going to school coming home and doing homework. Everything has since changed, now due to the coronavirus I have not been able to do anything outside of my house. I have effectively quarantined myself inside my house and am not able to leave until I am allowed to. My school has been and now we have to do online school which is not as good as going to school every day and being able to see your friends. I hope that in the near future they get this virus under control so all of us can go back to our everyday life and routines.


Before COVID-19, my schedule was simply going to school, going to robotics meetings, and coming home to do homework. Since COVID-19 has governments to close schools and permit social distancing, it has really just felt like an extended break to me. Sure I don’t get to visit friends or get to travel as much as I want, but I’m able to watch movies more often, play video games, and spend some more quality time with my family. Once the COVID-19 pandemic settles down, the only difference to me will be the fact that I have to go back to school, pro sports will be back online, and being able to hang out with friends.


getting to sleep in is pretty great. However, as this past week went on, I just began to feel more and more restless. I’ve never been so tired of my phone and so desperate to sit inside a classroom. The majority of places I used to spend time at are closed, but the places that are open my parents won’t let me go to. I never realized how much I depend on these different places to destress and breathe. I miss going to the movie theater on the weekends, I miss going to Weller’s bookstore whenever I feel like it, and I miss making spur of the moment decisions to go get food with friends. Some of these things I can still do, but right now it’s impossible to do them without worrying. It’s almost more stressful to leave the house then it is to stay in it for hours on end. 

Yet, the way I’m being affected isn’t nearly the same as the way so many others are being affected. None of my close family members or friends have gotten the virus or been exposed to it. We’ve been really fortunate this way. In so many ways, I’m lucky that all I really need to focus on is staying home. “Social Distancing” is lonely but I know it’s important and vital to keeping people safe. 

On a normal Saturday this Ikea would have a full parking lot, but not on March 21 during the COVID-19 outbreak. Photo by Sage Walker.

On a normal Saturday this Ikea would have a full parking lot, but not on March 21 during the COVID-19 outbreak. Photo by Sage Walker.

Sam O

My daily schedule has changed quite a bit. My school will stay closed until April 20. Also, my school baseball team has suspended all games and practices for what I’m assuming is as long as my school is closed. At first, though I was upset about baseball being stopped, I didn’t mind the idea of not having to go to school, since that would mean I would get to sleep in more. But now, after about a week of online classes at home, I’m not really enjoying it, mainly because I have much more homework that needs to be done. Granted, I have the whole day to do it now, but due to the many distractions of being at home, it takes me much longer to do my homework now than during a normal school schedule.

Also, my family have been following the safety precautions to keep from getting the virus. We’ve stayed away from social events, we’ve focussed harder on washing our hands and cleaning our house, and we’ve also stocked up on some canned goods, just in case. (No, we were not one of the people who thought it would be a good idea to buy hundreds of rolls of toilet paper).

I am unsure when things will fully return back to normal. What I do know is that this will not be the last pandemic on this Earth. Hopefully, just hopefully, this whole outbreak will open the eyes of the world’s leaders to what needs to be done to defend against an even deadlier virus.


Unsurprisingly, COVID-19 has put me in a bizarre setting, as it has for many others. This is a “new-normal” that I am not enjoying, but this “new-normal” is the only way to defeat the virus. I have been practicing social-distancing by staying at home, and only going out of the house for walks and runs, and contacting my friends through facetime and text. My family, and I are not super worried about the virus, but we are still following all precautions to remain healthy.  Other than not being able to see my friends the most disappointing part for me has been the cancellations of all sporting events. As a diehard basketball fan, every year I am excited to watch March Madness, and this year all that commotion has left after it was cancelled. The only positive regarding this pandemic has been the extra sleep I have been able to get with virtual school, and this is something I believe everybody should use as an advantage. 

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 1 – South Korea

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 1 – South Korea

Virus diaries - Cam's first days

Virus diaries - Cam's first days