Quaran-teens around the world, episode 2: Chile

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 2: Chile

Elise talks about her evacuation from Chile where she was participating in a year-long study abroad program.

Yara: Do you think the U.S. and Chile can learn from each other?

Elise: As soon as cases started popping up in Chile, they immediately went into quarantine. It was a little bit more authoritarian. If you were on the streets, you got arrested. That's a strict way of doing it. But it worked, right? Because Chile only has 9,000 cases. Whereas here we have tons. And I think that the US was a little bit more delayed, because I know that in New York when they had 16,000 cases, they were still encouraging social distancing. But they weren't actually enforcing quarantine, which I think also leads to the fact that New York has so many cases and they don't have enough supplies.

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 3 - England

Quaran-teens around the world, episode 3 - England

Sophomores from different schools discuss the pandemic

Sophomores from different schools discuss the pandemic